Edgedancer (2016) by Brandon Sanderson

This is a short book that focuses on Lift, a thirteen year old Radiant introduced in the previous books, and explores her journey to becoming a Knight Radiant. Set in-between the events of Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, this novella is a fun, humorous, break from the otherwise rather serious tone of the series. Just as action packed and filled with amusing characters, Edgedancer promises to tickle your Sanderson itch, while filling you in about key events that are happening away from the main characters.

Furthermore, Lift is a unique character in that she truly acts her age. Unlike thirteen year old’s in other stories who seem to be more driven and focused than their adult counterparts, Lift is stubbornly clueless and scared of the big bad world. As such, she can seem annoying but reveals herself to be sincere, caring, and honest in a way that only children can be. She constantly refers to her stormlight powers as her ‘awesomeness’ and after getting through this adventure with her, I am liable to agree with her, she is awesome.

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