Corporate (2018) by Pat Bishop, Matt Ingebretson and Jake Weisman

A dark and not entirely unrealistic comedy about capitalise societies and corporate culture, Corporate is a stand out show that seems to have blown under the mainstream radar.

With grounded performances that help make its dramatic, hyperbolic premises seem sincere, this show manages to drive home some hard hitting truths about the culture we live and breathe. Every episode has us following two junior executives in training in a multinational corporation. They are bullied, mocked, and overworked, as they try to climb the ladder to a rich and comfortable life that is shallow albeit luxurious. The world around them lacks empathy as everyone’s greed is placed front and center. With that lens in place, the story then tackles different aspects of our culture, from obsessing over a show and forming superficial bonds with people over it, to the commercialisation of festivals.

The show doesn’t seem to take outright political sides, in that it does not call out republicans or democrats. Instead it takes issues that affect the average person and exaggerates just enough to point out the existing flaw in our working logic.

The show is smart and funny and definitely worth a watch.

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